Floofin' in April

I have started writing this towards the end of March, because the last week is the run-up to Easter and I have a feeling it might get a bit hectic (it did, I was right). As I send this out I’m sure everyone is getting excited about having a few days off in a row and potentially being able to see a close friend or family member for a socially distanced walk. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year of this reality and I want to let you all know that I really don’t think I would have gotten through this year as positively as I have done if it wasn’t for you.


Work and Worries

The last month has been pretty full-on. I don’t know about you, but at first, I absolutely love being ridiculously busy, looking at my diary knowing I have three weeks straight of work really makes me thrilled. But I get about 10 days in and the reality of this gets too much. I don’t know why I think I’ll be able to go for ages without some time off, a full day off. I think a morning off makes no difference, as I just think I might as well get on with it now and an afternoon off inevitably means being stuck in traffic so I don’t get home until 5pm anyway! And I work for myself! The reality (sometimes) of working for other people, I seem to have heard, is the same. Very little time off and having to create boundaries with the workplace as everyone seems to be asking to pick up more work because ‘ it’s not like you’ve got anything else to do’.

What point I want to make from this is, I think this year has been the hardest year for allowing work and leisure to bleed in so easy to each other that I don’t know where one ends and the other one starts- do you feel the same?

I’m going to be totally honest here and say the way I deal with stress isn’t wonderful. I pull my hair. I have created a habit to pull each strand of hair out of my head out, and somehow it releases tension. This is not a way I advocate to deal with stress, but it’s funny how we all have different ways to cope. Some run, some paint, some pull their hair HOWEVER as I realize mine is an issue I decided a little while back to start going back to college (again) and see if I can train as a counselor. I’m not leaving the flower world yet, but I am aiming to bring these two fields together eventually! Flowers and gentle therapy, it’s a good mix? Let me know your thoughts!



I have the pleasure though of having an open water reservoir for swimming very close to me, and it reopened on Monday. Needless to say, it’s the relaxing, mind-numbing but WONDERFUL daily cleanse that I have a need for the last three months. Swimming being taken away from my daily routine I think caused e more mental anxiety and stress than I’d ever had anticipated.

Have you found any lock-down hobbies that have kept you sane? Email me and let me know here I would absolutely love to find out! I think it’s so interesting as getting outdoors is so necessary to me, but when the weather is grim and the surrounding area isn’t exactly stunning, there’s very little motivation to move. I have gotten into a bit of reading here and there finishing a book ‘INSATIABLE’ (a wee bit sexy) and starting ‘Love after Love’ now- books are a great way of shutting your brain off from work/ reality but I find it quite tricky actually sitting down to read them in the first place.

I mentioned before in February Floofin’ that I bought my books from BookBar online. Well, now Crissy has a physical shop on Blackstock road near Finsbury Park where you can click and collect, and pick up a coffee!


Growing Up and Out

GOOD NEWS! It’s Easter! And we can see each other a little bit more, but still very safely! Last month was really great in terms of how much I managed to do. I sold out for Mother’s day, as in.. I couldn’t physically make and deliver more flowers and bouquets. I have outgrown my studio- yes, I am moving just down the road closer to Colliers Wood. AND I HAVE WEDDINGS TO MAKE! I forgot how much I love making weddings! The chats, the consultations, the mock ups, the floral discovery, getting to know the couple and generally making all these epic decisions for such an important day. I am so excited to get back to making floral installations and continue with my weekly bouquets too!

I am making some amazing things this week with another florist as a little budge into getting back into event work, stay tuned for more images.


Favourite Flower

This one is so easy. It’s not really even something I have to say too much about. My favourite flower this month is BLOSSOM. Yes, it’s not technically a variety but I don’t care. Watching the magnolia, blossom, and forsythia bloom this month has made me feel sane. It has been wonderful to stand under those long fluffy clouds and feel like for one second you are part of it. It has been a joy sending bouquets of blossom out, and generally cannot wait to watch it continue to bloom on all the trees in London and Surrey. Check out below for some of my fave blossoms! Also, if you want a bunch of blossom for your homes, you can order it here for less than £20

I think there’s lots of things to look forward to over the next few months, with more vaccinations being played out, lockdown restrictions being eased slightly, being able to go out for walks with pals from a different household, having a pint in a pub garden, swimming for me, the ABUNDANCE of British flowers shooting up and generally the sunshine coming back. I’ll let you all know how my counselling courses are going and as always if you follow me on instagram, you’ll get a daily dose of what I am up to!

Business Babes

I was really inspired by a woman on an online talk this month with three female entrepreneurs. The woman that stood out was Poonam from @_ysm8 . She explains how we need to take physical pauses as well as verbal ones in order for us to create emotional resilience and become restorative in our work and life practices. Her business encourages us to cut the BS, live our strongest lives and be honest through workshops, events, and courses. Check her out! Here

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I also would love to show the work of my pal Emma. She creates the incredibly thought provoking and political collages. She started creating them at the beginning of the pandemic, alrrady having a background in collage, she started making these incredibly interesting works of art which she sells as originals and as prints. Take a look here

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This months was a very short write up. In all honesty, I am a little tired. So going to take some days to restore and this month to bring back my energy… ready for Floofin’ in May which will be a banger.

Be Kind, Stay Safe xxx